Online counseling allows me to bring counseling to you!
No matter where you live or how busy you are, you deserve the ability to make your mental health care a priority.
I am able to offer telehealth services to young women who live anywhere in Wisconsin, Florida, Utah, and Vermont. Each time we meet for up to 55 minutes, we will use a secure, HIPAA-complaint program to maintain confidentiality.
No need to be tech-saavy, it’s easy to use!
Step 1… All you need is a good internet connection and your cell phone, tablet, or computer with a camera.
Step 2… Find a private space. This can be your room, office, basement, car, an outdoor space (as long as the internet works) or even your bathroom! I’ll send you a link for our session.
Step 3… Check your email for the link. Click the link, and you’ll be connected to our video session!
Out of State license Info: FL #TPMC179 / UT #12935517-6004 / VT #068.0134975TELE
More details about the process for connecting to online video sessions. Learn more about online counseling in the ‘So, What is Online Counseling Exactly?’ blog post and the benefits of online counseling here.