Comfort Zone to Growth Zone

We can go our whole lives staying within our comfort zones.

This isn’t inherently a bad thing, but there are a lot of downsides to not stepping out of your comfort zone.

You might miss out on great opportunities and changes to grow to places you never knew possible for yourself.

I wanted to share my recent experience with stepping out of my comfort zone to hopeful inspire others to do the same for themselves (maybe that will include you!).

I haven’t been as active with my blog because I was (drumroll please) writing a book!

I was offered the opportunity to write a book a couple of months ago.

At first, I thought that it couldn’t be real. Especially after my Instagram page was hacked last December, I have been on high alert for scams.

So, I researched the publishing company and learned that it was a legitimate offer and opportunity, and then the imposter syndrome set in.

Sure, I like writing. I liked writing assignments in school. I like writing for my blog. But a book?!

I imagined myself writing a book someday, maybe, years in the future. But now? Is that something I could do now?

As I was considering this opportunity, those feelings of doubt and imposter syndrome circled but I kept coming back to what an awesome opportunity this would be.

I could learn so much.

I could reach such a larger audience to help more people.

Why wouldn’t I accept this opportunity?

Why can’t it be me?

Why can’t it be now?

So, I accepted the opportunity and it has been a whirlwind since.

Although my brain is a bit all-written out right now (hence, the short blog post), I’ve loved it! I’ve had the opportunity to work with editors and have my work published.

I’m so honored to have been able to do this, and it still feels a little surreal, and it probably will until I have a copy of the book in my hands.

This was a decent sized step outside of my comfort zone, and I’m so glad that I took that step.

I can feel the growth and confidence that I’ve gained through this experience already.

What can you do to step out of your comfort zone? What step can you take into your growth zone? Start small and see where that takes you.

If you’re not on my email list already, join below and stay informed about when my book gets released in late Summer 2023! I can’t wait to share it with you!


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